Take an item that belongs to an enemy or just an annoying person, and flush it down the toilet. Say, "NAME, bye bye, bye, bye bye!". They soon will be out of your life. The closer you are to the person, the better.
Take a photo, or draw a photo of an enemy, the whole body. Then, get a magnifying glass, and look over the photo. Next, you will stick pins in specific parts of their body to harm. Lastly, stick a pin where the heart of the photo. This will give them lifelong heartache.
You are going to prick your middle finger. Then, you will raise just your middle finger to the sky (on a clear day) and turn counterclockwise, saying your enemies name many times. Lastly, squeeze your middle finger with your other hand while saying their name very loudly. All your pain transferred to them.
Write the name of an enemy on a pink candle, and a toxic scenario on a black candle. Tie these candles together, then light them together. Your enemy will always attract these problems into their life. They will not be able to escape this scenario.
This Sigil is designed to give the person receiving it a large dose of there own medicine. Especially if they got themselves involved in something that they had no business being in, and then getting all of YOUR wrath!
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Freehold, NJ 07728
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