We have a New Number for our Spanish speaking clients! Our transition was not easy, but we are complete! The New Number is (732) 702-1395 Save this as the permanent number for Spanish!
Find us on @karmaseyespsychic.bsky.social! TickTok had a good run, but we are still on the web. We will always be where you are!
Find us on @karmaseyespsychicllc!
You can now find us on Africa Imports! whenever you may be looking for where we get our products from and if you are curious as to what they are made of.
You can find me now on BronxWitch.com, for more services!
Owned and operated by Karma's Eyes Psychic, LLC!! This is our alternate business name to appear on our retail space! Born July 8th, same day as John Davison Rockefeller!
CERT# 4249405702
Copyright© 2012-2024 Karma's Eyes Psychic, LLC 0450502755
63 West Main Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 702-0807
(732) 702-1395 Español