Get a pack of playing cards, choose a card that represents the case, you, the 2 of Spades and the 4 of Diamonds. Place the court card, 4 of Diamonds, and 2 of Spades together face up, place your card face down on top of all of them. Burn a small white candle each day. Once the candle is done, place cards back in the box and put in a safe place.
Soak enemies name or photo in Four Thieves Vinegar in a small jar throughout the duration of the court hearing to wear them down to dismiss the case. Burn any color candle on top of it, and speak your convincing words to dismiss the case. You can freeze the jar, bury it or keep it in a dark place.
Write the names of witnesses, the judge, and anyone else against you on a bay leaf, and wear it in your dominant hand's (the hand you write with) shoe. Tap your foot when you feel your control might be slipping. When the leaves crack, your enemy will give up.
Get a Blue Pyramid Candle, a petition Paper. Write the outcome you want on the paper, place under the candle, light candle for 7 days, and recite the written petition over it for 7 days. Discard candle onto the courthouse, or crossroad.
This Sigil can be written on important documents. Especially, documents you have to hand in to someone else. Your documents will always reach the Judge, and will encourage them to have mercy.
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